AnyTrans 8.9 for Mac 中文破解版下载 – iPhone数据传输工具
今天和大家分享最新的 AnyTrans 8.9 for Mac 中文版本,这是一款Mac上非常好用的iPhone/iPad设备管理和数据传输工具,支持最新的 iOS 15 系统,支持iPhone、iPad、iPod Touch等iOS设备,支持数据迁移、备份、铃声制作、屏幕镜像等等功能,可以快速方便的导入导出照片、视频、通讯录、音乐、短信、应用数据(微信聊天记录)等,很不错!
AnyTrans is an all-in-one manager for your iPhone, iPad, iPod, iTunes, and iCloud content. It lets you transfer, manage, and back up iOS data in a way easy, fast, and you like.
Feel a mess when you need to find specific iPhone photos from the thousands and export them to computer? Not anymore with AnyTrans. It smartly organizes different types of iPhone photos and videos into different folders, like Live Photos, Selfies, Slo-Mos, Time-lapses, or albums you created. So you can quickly locate the ones you want, and transfer them to computer by category with one single click.
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